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Ди Грегорио А..
Vetting in post-authoritarian societies: a proposal of classification from the point of view of comparative law
// Конфликтология / nota bene. – 2014. – № 1.
– С. 7-27.
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Аннотация: The aim of this article is to describe the so-called ‘vetting’, within the framework of transitional justice policies. In order to do that, it is first necessary to answer a series of preliminary questions.
In general we talk about post-authoritarian justice (term which I do prefer to others, like transitional justice ), dealing with the past, coping with the past, but also ‘militant democracy’ . The latter is a concept not usually employed in writing on these matters but, as I will explain, still very pertinent to the issue. In fact, I consider necessary to highlight the relation between vetting and protection of democratic legal order .
Vetting is only one of the transitional justice measures, aimed at removing from public life representatives of the leadership and management of the old authoritarian regime (political élite, administrators) .
The definition and the meaning are not the same in other languages.
The methodological basis of the research is a systematic, structural-functional, comparative approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. Main results of this article: 1. Linguistic and definition problems: vetting in the framework of post-authoritarian justice; 2. Transition to democracy: a record; 3. A brief history of vetting; 4. Circulation of models and comparison between countries and areas; 5. The phenomenon of lustration in post-communist Europe; 6. Conclusion: vetting as a protection of democracy
Ключевые слова: Конфликтология, политика, право, post-authoritarian societies, политическая стабильность, политический режим, государство, интересы, ценности, безопасность
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